Red Flags
Written by Eimear White
In the beginning, it’s fun, it’s exhilarating, it’s blinding. But it can be hard to see what’s really happening in front of you.
It’s an interesting journey for this newlywed couple, as their lover’s bubble begins to slowly deflate. A young woman starts to feel confused. Why is her hair appointment cancelled? Why are all the male contacts deleted from her phone? And why is she scared to talk to her own sister?
She finds herself accepting things she never imagined she would have, until he came along. Feelings of entrapment and embarrassment consume her, and her mind is in a constant state of turmoil. As she reflects on their relationship, she questions what went wrong and how she missed the red flags. 
A message from the cast
"Hi! As a group of young creatives, we felt it was important to use the Uproar festival to tackle some of the societal issues our generation is facing. With multiple members of our group having experienced domestic violence, we felt that it was appropriate that we- using our own experience and many hours of research, should address the issue. With 1 in 4 people experiencing domestic violence in their lifetime and those under 25, both male and female, being more at risk than any other age range, we felt that the festival was the right time to shine a light on the REDFLAGS that appear in abusive relationships."